The Con-Tented Creep Feed Station (CFS) provides piglets with a reliable ad-lib supply of creep feed with minimal need for stockman input, when positioned within the farrowing hut.
it stores sufficient feed for a litter of piglets for up to 7 days from a single fill while keeping the creep feed fresh, dry and away from the sow.
The unique design encourages the piglets to access the creep feed in a natural and instinctive way i.e. rooting, nudging and foraging . Piglets can pass freely through the feeding area making it feel safe and secure to use without compromising the other functions of the farrowing ark.
Drop front fender
Key Features and benefits
Reliable feed release mechanism
stockman friendly -labour saving self operating unit
Low competition, two sided feed space
One week (4.5kgs capacity) vermin proof hopper
Sow proof design
Retrofits into plastic and metal farrowing huts
Suitable for outdoor and indoor use
Can be hurdle or wall mounted
Promotes natural instinctive feeding behaviour resulting in good feed uptakes and an enriched environment
The creep feed station can also be mounted on other structures on farm
Drop front fender